Wednesday 30 September 2009

Trials course

Blog post bonanza?

Couple of pics, firstly of part of the un-swept, un-finished, rough-as-hell trials course as it was a few hours ago - secondly, one of Ali's random drawings. As a little hint, if the "Checked by" bit on your receipt has a weird drawing on it, it's him.

Tom Rankin

Tom Rankin doesn't mess about.

Almost there!

Trials course is well underway, managed to fix/repair/bodge about a third so far and with only minor injuries too! Plus I managed to draw a cat, so its all good!

Quotes from Stan...

Just a quote from Stan as we're clearing the trials course after hours...

"You need to get Anal's big bad boy out."

I hate rain.

One of the perks of this job is the access to the indoor trials course we have here at Tarty HQ which can soften the blow of rainy, cold evenings. Unfortunately, due to the amount of building work that one Al Fel has put in, there's a load of 'stuff' of various kinds over the majority of the trials course. However, the new office has opened up a few new lines that Ali took care of yesterday. As an added bonus, and to help gauge the height of the drop, we put up the Trials-Forum Tape Measure. Enjoy...

And to please the Health and Safety inspectors, Ali avoided the dangerously nail-filled rubble with a gap to pallet stack.

We've done stickers, we've done T-shirts, we've done hoodies, we've done chainstay protectors - now flat caps?